why do eyebrows go red over time?

Post for customers. Customers often ask the question: why do eyebrows go red over time?

Why do brown eyebrows change color over time? The master did not perform permanent make-up correctly or still the rest of the color was affected by the quality of pigment, which made permanent makeup? Or maybe the client did something wrong to care for permanent make-up?

Исправление бровей

Let’s deal with the quality of pigment. Many eyebrow pigments have iron oxide in their composition. WHAT IS IT FOR?

Brown iron oxide is called IRON OXID. It’s an inorganic pigment.

BLACK PIGMENTS Color of Black Carbon (Carbon Black)
Iron Oxide Black
The third type of black — vegetable, which is not used in permanent make-up.
Iron Oxide Black oxide is a natural oxide of iron (magnetic iron oxide, magnetic iron). Fe3O4 is the same formula for both natural and synthetic iron oxes.
IRON OXIDE- insoluble

  • Black carbon is the result of thermal decomposition of hydrocarbons.
    BLACK CARBON — insoluble, organic dye.Brown pigments (there are three main types):1)inorganic pigments
    2)Chemical organic pigments
    3) Natural organic (there is only 1 brown #10 -caramel’ but it is not used in permanent make-up
  •  Inorganic brown pigment obtained:black CI: 77499 (artificially obtained iron oxide (III, II), (Iron Oxide Black); 
    Red CI: 77491 (artificially obtained iron oxide (III)
    Yellow CI: 492 (Yellow Mixing Color) or Yellow CI: 77492 — artificially produced iron oxide (II) — a component that is added to produce a diverse palette — chromium oxide, green (pure chromium oxide — green CI: 77288 Green Mixing Color)
  •  Black CI: 77499 is the smallest-sized cosmetic pigment of PCJ8901 Iron Oxides Black (CI 77499). This pigment is called mineral, because it has a natural origin and has long been used as a dye. Particle size: 0 to 0.1 microns.

    Yellow CI: 492 (Yellow Mixing Color) or Yellow CI: 77492 — artificially produced iron oxide (II) http://yellow CI: 492 (Yellow Mixing Color)
  •  Another component that is added to get a variety of brown eyebrows is chromium oxide, green (pure chrome oxide — green CI: 77288 Green Mixing Color)
  •  Damage to CI: 77288 in permanent make-up

    Among craftsmen and customers there is an opinion that chromium oocis is a carcinogen. I can reassure you: Chromium oxide (III) is extremely chemically resistant and it does not interact with other substances, which means that it cannot be poison. Other types of chromium oxides («black chromium» — chromium oxide (II) or chromium oxide (IV), «red chromium» — chromium oxide (VI)), under the influence of the external environment have a tendency to oxidize to chromium oxide (III).
  •  This suggests that over time, brown eyebrows may give a greenish tint, but I’ll talk about it in another article: «Why eyebrows go green» and answer your questions
  •  It is important to remember that there is no supporting evidence regarding the carcinogenicity of this substance in permanent dyes
  •  These horror stories among the masters of permanent make-up and customers were born because of elementary confusion. Most likely, the masters mixed up the trivalent chromium oxide Cr2O3 and the hexavalent chromium oxide CrO3. Like other hexavalent chromium compounds, CrO3 is very poisonous.
  •  Conclusion: CI 77288 is a safe component of cosmetics. There is no reason to be afraid of it in permanent make-up.
  • Let’s go back to Iron oxid Pigment (brown). It’s an inorganic pigment
  •  Color: brown, brown. It is used for the production of decorative cosmetics. IRON OXID normalizes sebaceous gland secretion. Important: it is used for different types of skin, and therefore — used to produce permanent make-up pigments on both water-alcohol basis and glycerin
  •  Iron oxide is: mineral matter, useful fossil, natural pigment. After special treatment receive pigments of different colors — black, brown, red, yellow. It is important to emphasize that iron oxide normalizes the hydro-lipid balance of the skin. Can be used in the production of tonal cream, mineral powder, cosmetics.
  • Very well behaves on the skin — lies flat, creates a good complexion, is not noticeable on the skin. In permanent make-up with the help of it you can achieve any shade on the eyebrows, as in the usual makeup
  •  In nature it occurs: in red clay, hematite, magnetite.

    It is usually denoted as part of the pigments of permanent make-up under the number 77491. 

    Thanks to the red iron oxidity in permanent make-up the pigment is longer, has a beautiful brown hue.
  •  A small lack of pigments for permanent make-up with red iron oxide is that over time your eyebrows may fade into a reddish shade. But this can be compensated by the procedure of updating permanent make-up (this is a sign!!! you need to run to the master for an update) or to carry out the procedure of correcting the color with a laser. You can do one procedure to change the valence of the pigment with the nozzle 532 and the eyebrows will again acquire a light gray-brown hue.
  •  Pros 77491: stable color and easily removed by laser if you want a new eyebrow shape or other technique in permanent make-up.
  •  Are there pigments without iron oxides or with a minimum percentage of its content? Exist. In another way, their masters are called synthetic. Whether they go into red shades — a lot depends on the styling of pigment, the client’s skin. The main thing is to get into the hands of a good specialist to make the perfect shape and pick up the best shade of permanent make-up.
  •  The disadvantage of these pigments is that they are difficult to remove. Again, the moot point is what is easier to remove: pigment containing iron oxides or synthetic pigment? About this in detail in another article, on personal experience I will tell you everything in detail and as a clear example I will show a video of the process of removal of pigments, different in composition.
  •  The main thing you should not care that if the pigment contains red iron oxide, that the eyebrows may go into red shade after a while. You just need to turn to the master for a procedure to update permanent make-up.
  •  If your eyebrows go red, then there were a lot of red iron oxides in the pigment, and perhaps the composition was «red chromium» — chromium oxide (VI). Remember that «red chromium» — chromium oxide (VI) under the influence of the external environment can pass into chromium oxide (III) — green, and eyebrows, perhaps) will acquire a greenish tint. You’re starting to worry, OH GOD, do I need permanent make-up?))) I’m a master with humor, of course you need! Nothing lasts forever! things are changing
  •  And can be corrected in color correction of permanent make-up. But about that и another article!
  •  I kiss you!

    I love my clients! Your Millecenta (Alesia Khokhlova)

  • If you are interested in the process of removing and correcting permanent make-up, you can follow the links:
    It’s all about removing permanent make-up… real cases out of practice…..
  •  The most important problem now in permanent make-up — low qualification of permanent make-up masters, spoiled faces, reluctance of masters to correct their mistakes in work and bring the result to the ideal … More in the article https://millecenta.com/pages/permanentmakeup-correction-practice.shtml