Fordyce granules

Fordyce granules: why they arise, and how to get rid of them? This question is asked to me by many clients at a preliminary consultation before permanent lip make-up.

Many patients do not pay much attention to this, but for some Fordyce granules are a cosmetic defect that can be eliminated using the permanent lip make-up procedure.

We will analyze in detail. So, what are Fordyce granules, and is it possible to cope with them? What can a medical examination and permanent make-up artist offer?
In appearance, they resemble small whites of a whitish color with filling. Fordyce granules (or Fordyce's disease) are light, little or pronounced by type of formation (sebaceous glands), which can form on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, cheeks, lips, female labia, surface of the male penis, breast nipples, in the groin and other places on the body.
Dear customers, I want to reassure you and make you glad that if you find such an education at home - relax. Currently, Fordyce granules are the norm, although in some cases they can be uncomfortable.

Fordyce granules are also called seborrheic cysts.
According to medical statistics, approximately 40% of women and 60% of men have Fordyce granules.

Seborrheic cysts do not cause harm to health and are not transmitted during sexual intercourse and kisses. Most often, customers with Fordyce granules seek help from doctors and a permanent makeup artist due to a cosmetic defect.
Having studied a larger list of medical sources, it should be noted that the causes of the appearance of granules are not currently known. The name itself, “seborrheic cysts” (Fordy's granules), has no connection with seborrhea.

Some sources indicate that these neoplasms appear during puberty. It is during this period that hormonal events occur.

When the sebaceous glands are located too close to the upper layer of the dermis and epidermis, this is the reason for the appearance of granules that the client observes.
In some cases, the sebaceous glands can be located abnormally - on the border of the lips or on the mucous membrane of the mouth. In this case, this one can bring aesthetic discomfort to the client.

It should be noted that such an arrangement of the sebaceous glands is innate. During puberty (13-16 years) under the influence of sex hormones (in particular, male sex hormones), the activity of the sebaceous glands increases.
Other reasons for the appearance of Fordyce granules:
damage to the ducts of the sebaceous glands;
neglect of hygiene rules;
hormonal disruptions;
narrowing of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands.
The Fordyce granules can be observed by the client for a long period of time, and only after 40 years they can disappear, but this is not always true.
Гранулы Фордайса
Fordyce granule example

On the lips of my clients, I often observed the presence of Fordyce Pellets (the diameter did not exceed 2 millimeters) and they were less convex. Their color is white or pale yellow.

Some of my clients also complained of itching, but they should not be combed: an infection could get. In such cases, I recommend visiting a doctor who will prescribe antiviral drugs.

IMPORTANT: in no case do not crush the nodules! Even if they itch!
 lip defect correction
Fordyce granule example, permanent lip makeup, lip defect correction
If you squeeze a nodule, then a hematoma may form, scars may remain. Many clients try to crush granules on the lips, and then seek help: do a permanent makeup procedure to get rid of the defect.

Fordyce granules can be hidden with the help of permanent makeup, but only if it is done by a professional and carries out the procedure correctly! Permanent makeup can hide defects, but only if the granules do not have an inflammatory process, are at the right depth so that an aesthetic procedure can be performed. It is important to undergo an initial consultation with a specialist or doctor before permanent lip makeup.
For women, I’ll tell you a secret

There are two varieties of Fordyce granules:
Fox Fordyce Disease
Pearly penile papules (they are found in 30% of young men; do not harm health; are not sexually transmitted; do not cause complications).

Unfortunately, in medicine there is no effective treatment for pearly papules, as for the cause of the appearance, the phenomenon has not been studied in detail. As a rule, papules of the penis arise during puberty, when the level of male sex hormones rises in the blood. Doctors note that among nations that practice circumcision, the incidence of pearly papules is much lower.
In women, the manifestations of Fordyce granules are the same as in the pearly papules of the penis. Manifestations can be on the pubis, axillary fossa, in the perineum, the labia majora, and also around the nipples.

This may be accompanied by mild skin itching, which intensifies during menstruation. Fox-Fordyce disease lasts for years, often goes away on its own after 40 years.

Only a doctor can make a diagnosis. But, if you note that you have too many rashes, then this can be confused with other diseases.
There are currently no effective treatments for Fordyce granules. It is impossible to completely get rid of such rashes. Nevertheless, cosmetic procedures exist that help improve the aesthetic effect. Customers are offered laser removal procedures, permanent makeup services, in particular in the intimate area, mainly for women. Removing granules with a laser and cosmetic surgery can only be effective for a while, since after a while the granules may reappear.

Frankly, there are no procedures for prevention, each organism has its own characteristics, surgical intervention does not always contribute to the complete disappearance of Fordyce granules.

 lip defect correction
lip defect correction. Fordyce granules can be hidden with the help of permanent makeup, but only if it is done by a professional and carries out the procedure correctly! Permanent makeup can hide defects, but only if the granules do not have an inflammatory process, are at the right depth so that an aesthetic procedure can be performed. It is important to undergo an initial consultation with a specialist or doctor before permanent lip makeup.