Care after tattoo removal. after laser removal

  • Treat the removed tattoo with Chlorhexidine (Miramistin) 2 times a day — 10 days.
  • Apply Bepanten (Panthenol, D-Panthenol) on the tattoo to be removed 2–3 times a day — 10 days.
  • Close the tattoo removal site from direct sunlight (do not sunbathe).
  • use sunscreen with a maximum protection ratio (at least 35 SPF). Sunburn after laser tattoo removal can accelerate the regeneration of melanin, which can lead to hyperpigmentation (darkening of this area)
  • Treat the removed tattoo with Chlorhexidine (Miramistin) 2 times a day — 10 days.
  • Apply Bepanten (Panthenol, D-Panthenol) on the tattoo to be removed 2–3 times a day — 10 days.
·      Close the tattoo removal site from direct sunlight (do not sunbathe).
·      use sunscreen with a maximum protection ratio (at least 35 SPF). Sunburn after laser tattoo removal can accelerate the regeneration of melanin, which can lead to hyperpigmentation (darkening of this area)
·      the first 14 days after tattoo removal is not necessary to take a hot bath, go to the bath and sauna, and also actively engage in sports (power or cardio loads, leading to excessive sweating)
·      It is advisable to refrain from taking vasodilating drinks: alcohol, strong coffee and energy drinks for 7 days.
·      After the procedure, bepanten (Panthenol, D-panthenol) should be applied to the tattoo.
·      Avoid getting water to the production site for 3 days.
·      Do not expose to physical impact - do not scratch, do not scratch
·      2. 3 days after the procedure do not wipe the treated skin surface with alcohol-containing agents.
·      The site of the laser exposure when the tattoo is removed is fully restored after 4 weeks and after that you can proceed to the next procedure.
·      After the procedure, there may be a slight swelling or redness of the skin in the area of ​​tattoo removal, which take place during the day.